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Therese Marszalek


Bringing Hope and Healing through Jesus Christ our Lord

"Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35





Still Happen

Extraordinary Miracles in the Lives of Ordinary People

Also available in Audio.

From the

Wilderness to the Miraculous


40 Days

40 Days Devotional Cover.jpg

40 Days Journal

To purchase personalized copies, e-mail Therese at

Video & Audio Resources

From the Wilderness to the Miraculous Video Teachings

40 Days Spiritual Guide and Video Teachings

Read the first 6 chapters of 40 Days.

What's the Purpose?

Video & Audio Resources



Through television appearances, as a speaker, contributor to numerous books, and with over 350 articles appearing in multi-denominational publications, Therese Marszalek's messages of hope and love have reached millions of people around the world. Her journeys through intense long term suffering and a cancer diagnosis produced an unshakable faith that now inspires others facing suffering and discouragement. An ordained minister (MA Div.), her life is sprinkled with applying and teaching biblical truth in every day life. Her books include "40 Days," "40 Days Devotional Journal," "From the Wilderness to the Miraculous," "Extraordinary Miracles in the Lives of Ordinary People," and "Miracles Still Happen." 

After being born and raised in Minnesota, Therese and her husband lived in Washington state where they raised their beautifully blended family.

 Therese's most precious jewels for which she is eternally grateful are her Savior and hero Jesus, handsome husband, their adult children, delightful grandchildren, and countless family and friends that have enriched and blessed her in countless ways. She proudly answers to the name "Glamma" as her granddaughters know she likes wearing animal print clothes and pink lipstick. After living in Washington for 28 years, Therese and her husband relocated to snowy Minnesota in January of 2018 with their 75-pound Golden Retriever, Harley Anne, and 3-pound Yorkie, Gracie. Therese enjoys bird watching, walking, playing Polish poker and often enjoys indulging in her favorite peanut M&M candy.


If You Died Today...

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Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), man was without hope, unable to enter the presence of a Holy God. Yet God, the Creator of the universe, out of His unfailing love for you and for all mankind, offered His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for sin. Although you deserved eternal separation from God, He offers you life—the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus (Romans 6:23).


The One true God provided eternal life through the sacrifice of His only Son Jesus, but it’s up to you to personally receive His gift. God will not force Himself into your life, but comes by invitation only. He offers you the gift of eternal life. Will you receive His gift and make Jesus Lord of your life?


Jesus is the one and only way to eternal life. No one can see the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6). No person will ever see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3:3). The only way to eternal glory is through Jesus. Alternate routes to heaven are non-existent.


Jesus stands at the door of your heart knocking. If you open the door, He promises to come in (Revelation 3:20). If you have never repented of your sin and accepted Jesus as Savior, I invite you to make Jesus Lord of your life now. To accept God’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life, pray this prayer out loud from your heart:


Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I know I’m a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I’m sorry for my sin and want to turn from my sin. I believe Jesus died and was raised from the dead for my justification. I invite You to come into my heart to be Lord of my life. I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Heavenly Father,  fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I receive everything You have for me. In Jesus Name.  Amen!


Now a part of the kingdom of God, you are a child of the King of kings and Lord of lords! You are born again and all heaven is rejoicing! (Luke 15:10).


If you prayed that prayer from your heart, you can be assured that you will spend eternity in heaven. That assurance does not come from being a perfect person, attending church, being religious or doing good works. It is only because of the price Jesus paid at the cross that you could be forgiven of all sin, and receive eternal life in Christ. Salvation through Christ is a gift, not something you can earn. That’s Good News! 


God loves you and has a good plan for your life! John 3:16 says that God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes on Him will not perish but will have eternal life. If you’ve made the choice to follow Jesus, walk with Him daily, spend time in His Word (the Bible) and get planted in a Christian fellowship where you can grow and mature in your faith. God has a GOOD plan for you!   


Jesus died for you. Will you live for Him?

If You Died Today...

Are You Depressed?


If you or a loved one have struggled with depression, be encouraged! There's hope for you!


I hope you'll be encouraged by my story, "I can't be depressed...I'm a Christian!" which appeared in The Plain Truth magazine. I found victory over depression, and so can you! 


© 2008 Plain Truth Ministries, Reprinted by permission. Originally published in The Plain Truth magazine, Volume 73 Number 4: July/August 2008.

Are You Depressed?


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To purchase personalized copies, e-mail Therese at

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